Zoning Verification

Zoning approval is required prior to applying for a business license. Your desired business location and type of business is used to determine approval by the Planning and Zoning Department. To obtain additional information you may contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (843)797-6220 or by email at

Business Licenses

A business license is required of every person engaged or intending to engage in any calling, business, occupation, profession or activity with the object of gain, benefit, or advantage, in whole or in part within the limits of Goose Creek. License taxes are based upon the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and the gross receipts earned. Each annual license is valid from May 1 to April 30 of each year and is renewable without penalty on or before April 30 of the following year, unless otherwise stated. To obtain additional information regarding the City’s business license requirements you may call (843)797-6220 extensions 1100, 1120 or 1122, or by email at The City’s business license ordinance may be reviewed here.

Online business license processing is available thru Local Business License Renewal Center (LBLRC) (Annual renewals only) or thru the City of Goose Creek’s Online Portal.

Mobile Food Vendor – Private/Public Property – Information/Documents Required.

Food Handling Businesses

Food handling and preparation for public consumption must be performed within a commercial kitchen. For detailed information and regulations, you may contact S.C. DHEC

Solicitors and Peddlers

Solicitors and Peddlers are required to have a county solicitor permit, a City of Goose Creek Business License (Solicitor/Peddlers License) and a completed property use letter, for each location, prior to operation. Additional licenses or permits may be required.


Permits are required when doing construction, performing renovations or making modifications to a structure.

Construction or Improvements to your business

If you are making physical improvements to the location of your business, building permits are required to ensure proper and safe construction. S.C. DHEC requires an asbestos survey done on all renovations to a regulated facility. Asbestos Regulations | SCDHEC

Building and Fire Inspections

A fire inspection is required for all new businesses located in the City. For public safety and before you can begin to operate your business, you must ensure that all City and State Building and Fire Codes have been met. A Certificate of Completion or a Certificate of Occupancy may be required by the Building Official prior to opening your business. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Building Inspection Division at (843)797-6220 extension 3247.


All signs utilized by your business must meet City requirements. Permits are required for all exterior signs. You may contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (843)797-6220 1114 or by e-mail at

Small Business Assistance

Visit the Small Business Charleston Resource Network online at