The Administration Department is the primary support department of the city and, in that capacity, provides the following services:
- Accounts payable services
- Business licensing and building permit services
- Economic development
- Financial management and accounting services
- General management of the city
- Human Resources / employment
- Information technology
- Payroll
- Planning and development services
- Public information
- Purchasing
- Record keeping
- Water billing and collection
Administrative Offices
City Administrator: 843-797-6220 ext 1115
City Clerk: 843-797-6220 ext 1113
Public Information Officer: 843-797-6220 ext 1117
Human Resources: 843-797-6220 ext 1137
Planning and Zoning: 843-797-6220 ext 1116
Economic Development: 843-797-6220 ext 1125
Finance: 843-797-6220 ext 1401
City Hall
Marguerite H. Brown Municipal Center
519 N. Goose Creek Blvd.
Goose Creek, SC 29445
Fax: 843-863-5208
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.