The Board of Zoning Appeals meets at 6pm on the third Tuesday of every month.

The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) determines conditional use permits, zoning ordinance variance requests, and appeals of decisions made by the zoning administrator. A conditional use permit is typically applicable when a property owner wishes to have a specific type of development approved for a specific location. Zoning variances can be requested when a property owner feels that, due to unusual circumstances, a zoning restriction causes what is referred to as an "unnecessary hardship," and the situation meets the specific criteria set for such. An appeal may be made when a property owner feels the zoning administrator has incorrectly interpreted the zoning ordinance. In all cases, an application to be heard is submitted to the Planning Department, and the BZA schedules a public hearing to determine the facts and make their determination for the situation. The BZA meets as needed. For more specific information regarding the process for requesting an appeal, a variance, or a conditional use permit, please contact the Planning Department at (843) 797-6220, ext. 1116. Questions? Contact Planning Director Kendra Wise at [email protected] or 843-797-6220 ext. 1118.

Meetings are held in Council Chambers at City Hall located at 519 N. Goose Creek Boulevard, Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445.



  • Bob Smith, Term expiring 12/31/26
  • Kelli Maddox, Term expiring 12/31/26
  • Don Mason, Term expiring 12/31/27
  • Jen Wise, Term expiring 12/31/27
  • Dan Guzman, Term expiring 12/31/27