The Planning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of each month.


Meetings are held in Council Chambers at City Hall located at 519 N. Goose Creek Boulevard, Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445.

All applications for Rezoning Request must complete the following:

Complete all information and submit all required documents to City Planning.  Incomplete applications are subject to a postponed review.

Agendas & Minutes

Agendas are available prior to the meetings. For all Public Hearing Information, please contact City Planning at (843)797-6220 extension 1116.  Minutes are available following approval.

Jan. 7, 2025 Agenda

Please contact the Planning and Zoning Office for more information: (843) 797-6220, ext. 1116.

About the Commission

The City's Planning Commission is made up of seven members, and by state statute is responsible for determining many land use processes. The commission identifies the needs of the City, establishing both short and long terms goals for the development of the City, and then writing and updating the City's Comprehensive Plan, and recommending zoning ordinances that support those plans. In addition, it is the Planning Commission that approves street names and hears requests for property rezoning. All meetings are open to the public.


  • Lisa Burdick, Term expiring 12/31/27
  • Judie Edwards, Chairman, Term expiring 12/31/27
  • Heather Byrd, Term expiring 12/31/26
  • Stephen "Nick" Matthews, Term expiring 12/31/26
  • Gena Glaze, Term expiring 12/31/26
  • Anthony Jenkins, Term expiring 12/31/27
  • Josh Lilly, Term expiring 12/31/27